A True Story

Saturday, September 8, 2012
The other day, Andy said, "You know, one of these days, we should really put some effort into straightening up around here."

And while I admit that we may have a bit of a mess/disaster issue on our hands when I am losing things - knitting needles . . . books - in the couch on a nightly basis (and we can't even blame children for the current state of our happy abode), my knee-jerk reaction to Andy's critique was, "It's fine. NBD." Who doesn't feel more at home in a home that looks like a tornado ripped through it?

Obviously, it could be way worse. Conversely, it could also be a lot better.

But like Scarlett O'Hara always said, I'll think about this mess in October.

Oh wait, Scarlett said "tomorrow," didn't she. . .



  1. You just need one OCD friend to help out. You sit and sip a cup of coffee and they rip through the place like the good fairy they are.

  2. I adore you. And your drill in the kitchen.

  3. I had this grand scheme of doing a full-on, top-to-bottom clean of our entire apartment before I started this semester of grad school. Hahahahahaha nope.

  4. I am all for keeping frills in the kitchen. I recently and accidentally I located even a fire extinguisher in the kitchen, under the sink, behind all sort of things and not easy to get at all - I mean if in case of a fire in the kitchen I would remember where I have seen it last.

  5. I love your lived in pictures! My husband would never notice... and we often have a drill or boat parts in the kitchen, not to mention cat toys, lots of cat toys...

  6. our places is pretty out of control lately, and things have been so busy that I never feel like straightening up. ugh.

  7. Just over from Always Crave Cute - I love your blog and have followed with GFC.

  8. I am so exhausted lately that I have left my usual perfectionism go. I think Lukus really appreciates not having to deal with my clean freak outs, because as soon as I start prepping for baby I am sure I will be more obsessive than ever.....

  9. Those photos look a lot like our cabin looked... except the drill was in the sink...


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