Deer Stands and Frosty Mornings

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Life can return to normal now. Andy got his deer stand set up last night, which means the late autumn days spent tromping through the woods, searching for deer signs have happily (hopefully?) come to an end. Deer season starts on Saturday (where did the time go?!) and from that date forward, Andy will be the only one heading out to sit in the stand in the wee morning and evening hours. My contributions to this year's hunt have done and will only resume (hullo sausage making) in the advent that Andy actually shots a deer this year. 

Not that I don't enjoy a good tromp in the woods. But have you ever felt like you've personally trod on every inch of a square mile area? Because I sure have.

Our weather is changing from cool to downright frosty. The kale and Brussels sprouts that have been holding their own out in the back garden have finally met their maker. I harvested a bumper crop of Brussels sprouts *cough, a cup of pea-sized sprouts, cough* on Sunday and while I'm sure they'll be sweet and delicious, I'm not sure Brussels sprouts are deserving of my garden real estate next year, no matter how very expensive they are in the grocery store.

A happy result of deer scouting yesterday morning was a chance to catch the world in a frosty glow. The woods really have beautifully exquisite moments in every season, no?

Happy Halloween to all. No carved pumpkin, no decorations, not even tricker-treaters around here, but tonight, when I watch the dark clouds scud across the full moon, I'll think of the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and feel a delightful chill down my spine.



  1. Beautiful pictures..
    Happy Halloween Ada!


  2. Wonderful pictures. Can relate, it isnt even cold or frosty here but getting out of bed is truly hard.

  3. Hi there. I came over by way of City Hippy Farmgirl. I love the photos and look forward to reading back posts. Have a great day.



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