Guest Post: Simple Frozen Dessert: The Semi-Freddo

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Note from Ada: This week I'm asking some of my bloggy friends to help fill the Of Woods and Words soundwaves. Today, Emily, a writer and blogger over at the DIY blog The Happy Home, helps us think summer  . . . and let's be honest, here in MN these chilly May days, we need all the help we can get when it comes to thinking warm, summery thoughts!

Summer is hitting most of the US right now, so many of us are in the market for easy frozen desserts. I bought the ice cream maker attachment to my KitchenAid last year, but it definitely cost an arm and a leg. It barely fits in my kitchen, too! Sometimes, I wish I'd saved my cash, especially now that I know how to make a semi-freddo.

If you don't want to spend the money on an ice cream maker, or if you don't have the room for the big, bulky, one-purpose machine, the semi-freddo a frozen dessert that can be a lifesaver in the heat.

Essentially, it's a frozen, flavored whipped cream. It just takes a bit of of creativity and a hand mixer to make an endless series of delicious desserts.

For my latest experiment, I made a mango-strawberry semi-freddo, adapted from a recipe from A Bird In The Kitchen.

2/3 cup sugar, plus 2tbsp additional for the strawberries
2/3 cup mango juice
3 egg yolks
1 cup strawberries, chopped
1 cup heavy cream

In a small saucepan, heat the mango juice and the sugar. Boil until sugar dissolves, and a simple syrup is made. Cool to room temperature.

Place your chopped strawberries in a bowl, and cover with two tablespoons of sugar. Put aside in the fridge.

In a metal bowl, whip your egg yolks until pale and are one and a half times the size.

Slowly pour in the room-temperature syrup into the egg yolks while beating.

In a separate metal bowl, whip the heavy cream until it holds stiff peaks.

Fold the yolk mixture and strawberries into the whipped cream.

Transfer the mixture to a freezer safe mold, and freeze for 8 hours, or overnight.

To serve, either scoop, or turn out of your mold and slice!

Semi-freddos are light, airy, sweet and cold. You can swap out the fruit flavors for absolutely anything, and even add chocolate if you want to. A basic semi-freddo is the perfect recipe to keep in your summer collection!


  1. Looks delicious! Would have been perfect for our random 89 degree day yesterday... today... not so much :)

  2. yum--- love semi-freddo !!!! I never knew how to make it though... this could be a problem ;)

  3. This was just what I was looking for. Yummy thanks!


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