Wordless Wednesday Part II: More Wildflowers

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Lookie what we found! We went out blueberry scouting and stumbled upon a patch of Moccasin Flowers just behind the cabin.


  1. those are so cool! are they technically orchids? i don't know a whole lot about botany, but you seem to know all about what grows in your backyard!

  2. Wow! I've only seen a few lady slippers before- at the theodore wirth wildflower park. These are incredible!

  3. Wonderfully creative ~ You have a blog award for you and to pass on ~ did you receive it yet? Thanks ^_^ Carol

  4. I've never seen these before. So pretty!

  5. How beautiful. I've never seen or heard of these particular flowers before. Thanks for sharing!

  6. gorgeous photos! You're a good photographer! (I especially like your heading photo, of the trees on the lake. Reminds me a lot of the lake we go to in NH)


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