Have You Seen, or Have You Heard?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015
YOU GUYS!! It's been quiet around these parts. Like, real quiet. I know. I know! I could hear those crickets chirping too. But there's a reason it's been all hush, hush and mum's the word around here. Slowly but surely over the last year, the big cogs of life have been turning towards a big new chapter for Andy and myself and rather than jinx the whole thing by blogging vaguely about it, it seemed wiser to just keep quiet until things...
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Tuesday Tea

Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Just another dreary autumn afternoon. I'm sipping Earl of Bengal tea - apparently a "new take on Earl Grey" and a new one for me (a definite perk of dog sitting for the neighbors on a fairly regular basis this past month is fairly regular deliveries of tea and local craft beer.) - and thought it was an excellent time for our weekly Of Woods and Words chat. Brew yourself a cuppa and stay for a while, won't you? Did you have a nice...
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Guess Who's Back?

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
I knew this year that blogging during the months I work full-time out of the home wasn't going to be a priority. Well, not only was it not a priority, it was nonexistent. I didn't even feel bad. But now I'm back . . . back again . . . Ada's back, tell a friend. (10 points if you get the musical reference.) The thing is, I've been taking happiness and the creation of it in my life pretty seriously (as evidenced by my reading this year:...
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Hi, My Name is Ada

Thursday, May 29, 2014
"Are you done with your blog?" my mother asked yesterday when I stopped in to eat lunch and steal some of her speedy wi-fi to download a new batch of podcasts. "No!" I said, somewhat surprised by the question, until I realized it really had been two and a half months since I last blogged. How did this happen?! For one thing, March ended up being a month full of freelance work and travel. What free time there was, was devoted to half-marathon...
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Chop Wood, Haul Water

Sunday, March 16, 2014
There's been a lot of rumblings around these parts about it being "a long winter." In fact, if my friends and I had it our way, #wilderbrothers and #buckwheatstash would have been trending on Twitter for the last month and a half. There have also been jokes a plenty about rationing out one shriveled potato a day and worrying about how we'll tunnel out of our homes through the snowy depths. Are you picking up on the Laura Ingalls Wilder...
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Blizzards and Blossoms

Sunday, February 23, 2014
Got snow? After a break from snow during much of January, we received more than 18 inches of snowfall in the last 12 days. The recent snowfall lead to a surge of snow days and other cancellations and although the local school schedule has absolutely no effect on my life, last week's schedule ended up a bit topsy-turvy as I tried to time my trips into town between major snow events. It may not have been the week I originally imagined,...
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Friday Fishing: A Photo Essay

Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Andy wanted to go fishing on Friday, so he decided on a destination down the lake and packed up the snowmobile. Just another grey winter day with gusty winds, brightened a bit by the prospect of catching a lake trout.   We parked the snow machine on the border of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness and started the trudge down to our destination, about a mile and half down a island dotted corridor of lake. The wind was really...
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